To become a World Class organization, to achieve higher economic prosperity and to take care of the underprivileged.

Our Vision and Mission mainly focuses on Economic Empowerment, Knowledge and Service i.e. Aarthik Sudradhata, Shiksha and Seva of the community and the society at large.


Creating a world class body of influential and powerful Industrialists, Entrepreneurs, Businessmen and Professionals to come together for noble causes of

  • Economic Empowerment
  • Knowledge
  • Service


  • Aarthik Sudradhata
  • Shiksha
  • Seva
  • Create managed knowledge Institutions and Value Based Education.
  • Create Platform for young entrepreneurs for right Business contacts.
  • Growth in business by mutual cooperation, avoidance of criticism and opposition-'Ekta se Safalta'.
  • To channelize united and systematic efforts towards creating a bright future for the youth.
  • Unite influential and powerful businessmen, industrialists and knowledge workers throughout the world for noble causes such as Economic Empowerment, Knowledge, Service, Social Upliftment and Spiritual Enlightenment (Aarthik Sudradhata, Shiksha, Seva, Samajik Utkarsh aur Adhyatmic Unnati).
  • Promote in governance and politics & value based people.
  • To encourage fellow brethren to positively participate and contribute in the political, bureaucratic and legal framework.
  • To provide a platform for young entrepreneurs to interact and gain purposeful knowledge from the experienced and well established business leaders.

Constitutional Structure

JITO is registered as a Company under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (now under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013). Broad based Constitution ensures participation of all Businessmen, Industrialists, Knowledge Workers & Professionals in India and Overseas. An International Organisation with Chapters all over India and across the world.

Board of Directors :

The total strength of Board of Directors is 48 Directors as under:-

  • 22 (Twenty-Two) Directors from the Category of Founder Chief Patrons (FCP) and Chief Patron (CP) when created.
  • 14 (Fourteen) Directors from the Category of Patrons,
  • 12 (Twelve) Co-opted Directors.

After 31st March 2010, Election for the post of Directors is conducted every even year by the Nomination Committee appointed by the Board of Directors.


Secretariat with Professional staff in state-of-art office at Mumbai.